Library Resources for
Educators & Homeschoolers

Brighton District Library’s Digital Resources for Homeschooling and Educational Tools

Library Resources for
Educators & Homeschoolers

Brighton District Library’s Digital Resources for Homeschooling and Educational Tools

Learning At Home – The goal of this site is to help parents confidently provide an education that develops their child’s creativity, retains their originality, and nurtures their independence.

Kids Activity Blog – List of education companies offering free subscriptions due to school closings

Scholastic Learn at Home – Offers day by day activities by grade level

Maker Station Activities – Includes 3 weeks of activities

Author Kate Messner – Compilation of videos of authors and illustrators sharing their work

Susan Tan YouTube Channel –  Features writing prompts and read alouds

Harper Kids Read Alouds – YouTube channel by Harper Kids featuring all their read alouds

Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems -Tune in each weekday at 1pm. Learners can draw, doodle, and explore new ways of writing.

Penguin Classroom – Provides resources like discussion guides, activities and videos to engage young readers at home

Cincinnati Zoo – Providing Home Safari Facebook Live each weekday at 3pm where they’ll highlight an animal and provide an activity to be done at home.

Unite for Literacy – Read aloud stories in 43 different languages

Steam Powered Family – Free STEAM activities. You can sign up for daily newsletter with new activities.

Story-Time from Space – NASA provided videos of real life astronauts reading in space

Storyline Online – Streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations

Brightly Storytime – Tons of story time read alouds!

Laurie Berkner Band – The band will be playing live most weekdays on Facebook at 10am!

GoNoodle – A movement oriented online based program to get your kids moving!

Jbrary – Jbrary has tons of story times and other resources all for free!


Homeschooling Today Magazine
Online magazine.

Practical Homeschooling Magazine
Homeschool World is the official site of Practical Homeschooling and presents an extensive collection of homeschooling resources. Their list of Homeschool Organizations is organized by state.


If searching the Internet for more information, consider using search terms such as “homeschooling,” “home schooling,” or “education + homeschool.”

Alternative Education Resource Organization
This nonprofit organization concerns education alternatives: community schools, alternative learning centers (public and private), and homeschooling.  Site features e-mail discussion groups, a magazine, radio talk show, and catalog on education news.

Carol Hurst’s Children’s Literature Site

Family Education Network
The FamilyEducation Network provides helpful advice by ages, grades and school subjects, educational activities, news affecting children and families, and homeschooling.

Family Unschoolers Network

Great Start Livingston

Homeschool Central
A comprehensive menu of homeschool sites, study resources, and an online Homeschool Mall. site includes links to many different kinds of information, from local state information to joining a message board and chat rooms.

Home School Legal Defense Association
This attractive Web site of the national legal organization features easily accessible summaries of applicable laws and homeschool statutes by state.

Homeschool Mom
TheHomeSchoolMom site will “guide you through the free homeschool resources available online, making the most of your budget and your planning time. The Internet is full of sites that provide free lesson plans, worksheets, activities, online educational games, software, and more, all for free, and we help you find them!”

HomeSchooling On a Shoestring
Crafts, recipes, unit ideas, and more for the homeschooler on a budget.

Information Network for Christian Homes (INCH)
Directory for local home education support groups.Information Network for Christian Homes (INCH)

Learn in Freedom “Colleges that Admit Homeschoolers”

Learning Ally (formerly Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic)
An 83,000 title library of textbooks on tape or computer disk for people who cannot effectively read standard print because of a visual impairment, learning disability or other physical disability.

A to Z Teacher Stuff

Accelerated Reading List – Maltby and Scranton Middle Schools

Activity Idea Place 3400 lesson plan ideas for toddler, preschool and kindergarten teachers

Association for Library Service to Children – the world’s largest organization dedicated to the support and enhancement of library service to children.

Center for Parent Information and Resources – Your central “Hub” of information and products created for the network of Parent Centers serving families of children with disabilities.

Common Core State Standards – hosted and maintained by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center).

Early On – Early On – assists families with infants and toddlers, from birth until 36 months or 3 years of age, who have a delay in their development or a diagnosed disability.

Enchanted Learning– Curriculum Material Online — Over 25,000 Web Pages for teachers – Good resource for parents of children from preschool through high school.

Great Start Livingston – a partnership of local professionals, community leaders and parents committed to establishing and maintaining a comprehensive early childhood system addressing all factors influencing a young child’s readiness for school and life. – Annenberg Media’s site for teacher professional development and classroom resources across the curriculum

Michigan Association for Gifted Learners

Presechool Education

Reach Out and Read Reach Out and Read (ROR) promotes early literacy by giving new books to children and advice to parents about the importance of reading aloud in pediatric exam rooms across the nation.

Reading is Fundamental – We prepare and motivate children to read by delivering free books and literacy resources to those children and families who need them most.

Reading Rockets

Read Write Think – Our mission is to provide educators, parents, and afterschool professionals with access to the highest quality practices in reading and language arts instruction by offering the very best in free materials.


Smithsonian Institution’s Education Portal

SuperKids – a collection of easy-to-use, free educational resources, for home and school.

Teacher Tube – An online community for sharing instructional videos for teachers, schools, and home learners. Teachers can post videos designed for students to view in order to learn a concept or skill.

Teaching with Historic Places’ by the National Parks Service

Resources For Educators

View the list of database resources selected specifically for kids by the Michigan eLibrary here.

Apply for a Tour of the Library here.

These hands-on toys and activities encourage creativity, conversation, and active play. Some help build fine motor skills, others offer tactile stimulation. Speech and therapy cards are excellent for cognitive, speech, or emotional impairments. Our story kits help children with comprehension. Toys may be checked out for two weeks.

This collection aids the person with visual and hearing impairments, cognitive challenges, motor, speech or language delays, and emotional and behavioral issues. Parents, caregivers, and teachers of special needs students will find these current resources very helpful.