About Brighton District Library
The Brighton District Library provides a wide range of materials, programs, and services to the residents of Brighton, Michigan and surrounding cities in Livingston County. We are a member of The Library Network library cooperative and classified as a Special District Public Library.

Library History
The opening of Brighton Public Library was announced in the April 4, 1928 issue of the Brighton Argus. The library was located in the Old City Hall building at 202 W. Main Street which had been constructed in 1879. In addition to housing the Town Meeting Hall and the Library, this building also was home to the Fire Hall and the Jail.
Library funding was a challenge in the early years as this article from the May 9, 1928 issue of the Brighton Argus and a quote from the Brighton City Council Meeting Minutes indicate.
In 1950 some rooms of the Old Town Hall were remodeled and the library was moved to a couple of rooms which had formerly been used as the Fire Hall. The Fire Hall and the Jail had moved out of the Old Town Hall, but the building still operated as the City Hall. A picture of the library’s new space appeared in the Brighton Argus on March 14, 1951.
In 1957 the library moved from the Old Town Hall to the former Detroit Edison substation which was located on 332 Maple Street by the Mill Pond. The substation building had been purchased by the city and was renovated by Brighton’s Kiwanis Club. It was dedicated on August 24, 1957.
By 1965, Brighton Public Library had outgrown the smaller building. The Old Town Hall building at 202 W. Main Street was now available for their exclusive use since the City Hall was now located in a different building. The Old Town Hall building was refurbished and the library, now known as Brighton City Library, moved to its “new” home on December 1, 1965.
In 1981, Brighton City Library was outgrowing the space of the Old Town Hall and moved to the newly constructed Municipal Building across the Mill Pond at 200 N. First Street. It was once again sharing space with the City Hall.
In 1992 the Brighton City Council voted unanimously to turn Brighton City Library into Brighton District Library, an important designation for funding purposes. A millage was passed shortly thereafter and the current library building at 100 Library Drive was constructed at a cost of $3 million dollars. The building was dedicated on May 18, 1996.
Library Policies
The Brighton District Library Children’s Garden is designed to be an interactive experience between parent and child. Young children may not be left unattended in the garden. Children twelve(12) years of age or younger must be accompanied by an adult who remains in the garden to provide supervision and enhance the nature experience.
While using the Children’s Garden, please adhere to the following rules:
- All library materials must be checked out before entering the garden.
- Please be respectful of nature so that others may also enjoy the surroundings.
- Please remain on grass or walkways. No climbing on garden structures or fencing.
- No littering please.
During scheduled library programs the garden may be limited to registered participants only. The garden will remain closed during inclement weather. The garden closes 30 minutes prior to library closing.
Adopted by the Brighton District Library Board of Trustees, June 19, 2001.
See our Borrowing page for full circulation information.
401 Confidentiality Policy – PDF
SUBJECT: Confidentiality Policy: Disclosure of Library Records
DRAFT: July 7, 2020
APPROVED: July 17, 2002
REVISED: April 15, 2008, July 21, 2020
- Policy; Library Records
It is the policy of the Brighton District Library (“Library”) to preserve the confidentiality and privacy of Library Records to the fullest extent permitted by law. A “Library Record” pursuant to the Michigan Library Privacy Act and for the purpose of this policy means:
“a document, record, or other method of storing information retained by a library that contains information that personally identifies a library patron, including the patron’s name, address, or telephone number, or that identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific materials from a library.”
For example, a Library Record would include, but not be limited to, surveillance video, patron circulation records, internet browsing history and program attendance records. “Library Record” does not include non-identifying material that may be retained for the purpose of studying or evaluating the circulation of Library materials in general. The Library Director shall be responsible for determining whether a particular document or video surveillance footage meets the definition of “Library Record.”
The Library takes seriously its obligation to protect the privacy of every patron, as required by law, even if this commitment to patron’s privacy may appear to cause inconvenience on occasion. To that end, Library Records or other confidential information shall be released or disclosed only as provided for herein or otherwise provided by Michigan or federal law.
- Freedom of Information Act Requests
All requests for public records that are not subpoenas, court orders or other legal process must be processed according to the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) and the Library’s FOIA Procedures and Guidelines. See Procedures and Guidelines and Written Summary for additional information. “Library Records” are exempt from disclosure under the FOIA.
III. Subpoenas, Court Orders or other Legal Process
Any employee of the Library who is served with a subpoena, court order, or other legal process to release or disclose any Library Record or other Library document from (1) a State or Local law enforcement agency or (2) a Federal law enforcement agency shall promptly notify the Library Director, or his or her designee. If neither is available, the Library Board President shall be contacted.
- Consultation with Attorney. The Library Director, his or her designee, or the Board President has the authority to consult with the Library Attorney regarding the sufficiency, scope or any other matter related to the subpoena, court order or other legal process.
- Action by Library Director. After review of the subpoena, court order or other legal process, the Library Director, his or her designee, or the Board President shall take appropriate action to respond.
- Opportunity to be Heard. Depending upon the type of subpoena or court order, the Library may appear and be represented by counsel at a hearing on the request for records.
- Confidentiality. If a subpoena, court order or other legal process is submitted to the Library, the Library shall keep the subpoena, court order or other legal process confidential if required by court order, Michigan law or federal law. To that end, the Library may not be able to inform the patron that his or her records were sought. The Library Board acknowledges that the Library Director, if required by a non-disclosure order or law, may not be permitted to inform the Board or its individual members that a local, state or federal agency has sought or obtained requested records.
- Consent. In compliance with the Michigan Library Privacy Act, a person who is liable for the payment or return of the materials identified in a Library Record or portion of a record may provide written consent for the release of that record. Further, a parent or legal guardian who signs to accept legal responsibility for return of his/her child’s (under the age of 18) Library materials and accepts financial liability for that child’s Library fines and other charges, may authorize the disclosure of the minor’s Library Records by signing the disclosure and release statement granting consent on behalf of the minor.
Collection Development Policy
APPROVED: June 1995
REVISED: February 20, 2001, August 24, 2021
Collection Development
I. Purpose
The purpose of the Brighton District Library’s Collection Development Policy is to guide and assist the Library staff in the maintenance of the collection as reflected in the Library’s missions and goals. The broader mandate on which this policy is based is the principles of intellectual freedom and the responsibility of the Library to uphold the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. These principles are embodied in the Library Bill of Rights, and the Freedom to Read Statement, as adopted by the American Library Association.
II. Definitions
The term “Library Materials” means books, magazines, DVDs, CDs, library programs or other synonyms as they may occur in the Policy having the widest possible meaning. This statement of Policy applies to all Library Materials in the collection, including adult, young adult and juvenile. However, this Policy and the term “Library Materials” does not apply to Internet sites available through the Library’s computers or Internet collection. The Library has no control over the content of the Internet. Please see the Internet Use Policy for any issues related to computer or Internet Use.
The term “selection” refers to the decision to add, retain or withdraw material in the collection. It does not refer to reader guidance.
III. Scope of the Collection
The Brighton District Library collects materials for varying levels of education, differing social and religious customs, and diversity of viewpoints and opinions. The Library’s collection is intended to offer a choice of format, viewpoint, and level of difficulty in comprehension.
The collection includes materials that will enhance the learning environment for school age children, but does not necessarily include specific curriculum-based materials.
Electronic resources, proprietary as well as free sources, are included to increase the depth of the collection. Interlibrary loan is used to supplement the collection.
IV. Content
The Brighton District Library strives to provide current, factual information and to supplement and enrich individual learning, and to provide materials for recreational reading and other leisure time activities. The materials collected by the Brighton District Library encompass a wide range of subjects, to meet the needs of our community. Sound information management also requires the removal of materials, which have become outdated or, for other reasons, are no longer considered suitable for retention. Removal of materials, known as weeding, is based on professional practices. Disposition of discarded materials will be managed by the Library Director and designated staff.
V. Responsibility/Procedure
The final responsibility for material selection rests with the Library Director who operates within the framework of policies determined by the Board of Trustees. Specific subject areas are assigned to professional staff based on experience, training/education and the requirements of the Library. Donations are also used to enhance the collection (see Gifts, Grants and Bequests, Policy 306). Budget and spatial constraints also influence materials selection. Professional staff make all selection decisions after careful review. Standard review sources such as Library Journal, School Library Journal, Booklist, and Publisher’s Weekly, etc. may be used. Selection of a work by the Library does not constitute or imply the Library’s agreement with or approval of the work’s content, or the moral, religious, or political beliefs of the producer.
VI. Specific Selection Criteria
Broad criteria for all fields include:
- Importance of the subject matter to the collection
- Interest and popularity
- Permanent or timely value
- Accurate information or authoritativeness
- Social significance
- Local, state or regional historical significance
- Clear presentation and readability
- Reputation, skill and purpose of the author
- Local significance of the author or of the subject
- Cost of materials and cost of processing
- Shelf space
- Quality of graphics, where applicable
- Availability of information on the subject
- Appropriateness and effectiveness of medium to content
- Literary merit and/or favorable reviews
- Suitability of physical format for library use
- Suitability of subject and style for intended audience
VII. Digital Materials
Digital items such as eBooks and eAudiobooks shall be selected using the same criteria as printed materials as described above.
VIII. Online Databases
The Library makes available a variety of online resources purchased to supplement and enhance the Library’s collection. These resources are evaluated on the basis of timeliness, ease of use, cost, and ability to meet patrons’ information needs.
IX. Library Programming
Programs shall be selected using the same criteria as printed materials as described above.
X. Brighton Room Collection
This special collection has been developed to meet the needs of those researching local history and genealogy, with particular emphasis on Brighton and Livingston County. Resources are also provided for methodology in genealogical research. The collection includes non-circulating reference and archival materials, as well as a circulating collection.
XI. Controversial Content
To further illustrate the Library’s support of the principles embodied in the Library Bill of Rights, the Library will not handle, process, shelve or otherwise mark any material to impose a value judgment. This includes, but is not limited to, labeling or marking a catalog record. Materials for varying levels of education and differing social and religious customs are provided and are included on the open shelves of the collection. Sequestering materials by hiding them from display interferes with a potential user’s access by presenting barriers and subjecting the library patron to unnecessary scrutiny. Parents have the primary responsibility to guide and direct the reading and materials selection of their minor children. The Brighton District Library does not stand in loco parentis.
A process is provided for members of the public to have the Library reconsider the inclusion or classification of materials, in Request for Reconsideration of Materials, Policy 402.
XII. Revision of Policy
Any library and library collection must be responsive to the needs of the time and the population it serves. Therefore, this Collection Development policy may be revised and updated at any time as conditions warrant and will be reviewed at regular intervals as deemed necessary by the Brighton District Library Board of Trustees.
The rules for the distribution of free materials are as follows:
- The Community Information Center, comprised of pamphlet racks in the foyer and a bulletin board in the lobby, is intended to disseminate information about community and regional events and services by display of free brochures or public posting of flyers, notices and posters.
- Such materials are limited to those of a civic, cultural, educational or recreational nature. Any literature promoting a business enterprise shall be excluded.
- Handwritten notices, or any materials smaller than 5″ x 7″, or larger than 11″ x 17″, may not be posted.
- All materials must be reviewed and posted by library staff.
- Any material left in the library after the specific advertised event has occurred shall be discarded by library staff.
- Materials promoting an ongoing service may be displayed indefinitely, or removed after one month by library staff, according to space limitations. Organizations wishing to claim excess materials when removed from display must leave a request in writing with Library administration at the time of distribution.
- Library administration reserves the right to limit any posting or distribution on the basis of timeliness, space, size and geographic impact.
- Distribution or posting of materials by the Library does not indicate the Library’s endorsement of the issues or events promoted by those materials.
Adopted by the Brighton District Library Board of Trustees, May 20, 1996.
Read the complete FOIA Procedures and Guidelines.
SUBJECT: Computer and Internet Use Policy
APPROVED: February 3, 1997
REVISED: April 19, 2006, July 21, 2020
I. General Statements Regarding Internet
- Internet Access. The Brighton District Library provides access to a broad range of information resources, including those available through the Internet. Access to the Internet enables the Library to expand its information services significantly. This policy applies to both the Library-owned computers and wireless access available at the Library.
- Validity of Information. The Internet offers access to a wealth of information and Internet sites including useful ideas, information and opinions from around the world. However, not all sources on the Internet provide information that is accurate, complete or legal. Internet users will need to evaluate for themselves the validity of the information found.
- Library does Not Endorse Information on Internet. Because the Internet is a vast and unregulated information network, it also enables access to information, ideas and commentary beyond the confines of the Library’s mission, selection criteria, and collection development policies. The provision of access does not mean or imply that the Library endorses or sanctions the content or point of view of any of the information or commentary that may be found on the Internet.
- View Internet at Own Risk. The Internet may contain information that is controversial, sexually explicit or offensive. Users are cautioned that ideas, points of view and images can be found on the Internet that are controversial, divergent and/or inflammatory. Because of this and the fact that access points on the Internet can and do change often, rapidly and unpredictably, the Library cannot protect individuals from information and images which they might find offensive, disturbing or inaccurate. Library patrons use the Internet at their own risk. Parents or guardians of minor children are responsible for their child’s use of the Internet through the Library’s connection as stated more fully below.
- No Liability. The Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from its connections to the Internet. Patrons shall use Library computer hardware and software at their own risk. The Library is not responsible for equipment malfunction, loss of data, any damages to the user’s disks, data, or electronic transactions of any type. The Library is not responsible for the loss of any portable media.
II. Nature of the Public Library Setting
- Respect Others. Because Library Users of all ages, backgrounds and sensibilities are using the computers, Library patrons are asked to be sensitive to other’s values and beliefs when accessing potentially controversial information and images.
- Use with Caution of Risks. Users are cautioned that, because security in an electronic environment such as the Internet cannot be guaranteed, all transactions, files and communications are vulnerable to unauthorized access and use.
III. Procedure for Use
- Sessions. Library Administration will establish procedures for reserving and logging on to computer sessions, and to regulate the amount of usage allowed to an individual per day.
- Closing. All computers are shut down ten (10) minutes before the Library closes.
- Reimbursement Fees. Library Administration will set reimbursement fees for printing services.
IV. Internet Filtering; Children Under 18
- Responsibility of Parents and Legal Guardians. As with other materials in the Library’s collection, it is the Library’s policy that parents or legal guardians are responsible for deciding which Library resources are appropriate for their children. The Library urges parents and guardians to discuss Internet use with their children and to monitor their use of this educational tool.
- Access for Users Under 18 Years of Age.
- Unfiltered/Unblocked Terminals. A parent or guardian must accompany and be sitting at the computer terminal with Users under 18 years of age wishing to have access to unfiltered or unblocked Internet workstations.
- Wireless Access. Wireless access will be filtered. Users under 18 years of age may not access unfiltered wireless access.
- Disable Filters: Patrons 18 years of age or older may request to have the filters disabled for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.
- Unblock Sites. Individuals who believe an Internet site has been improperly blocked can request that the site be “unblocked.” A decision on the site’s status will be made by the Director, who will prepare a written reply to the individual submitting the form. Any decision to deny the unblocking of a site by the Director may be appealed to the Library Board within 10 days of receipt of the written reply.
V. Acceptable Use
All users of the Library’s Internet connection and workstations are expected to use this resource in a responsible and courteous manner, and to follow all rules and procedures as established in this Policy.
- Lawful Use. The Library Internet connection and workstations shall be used in a lawful manner. The Library’s Internet and workstations cannot be used for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose prohibited under any applicable federal, state or local law, including, but not limited to, accessing material that can be classified as obscene or child pornography.
- Intellectual Property. Users must respect intellectual property rights and obey the copyright laws of the United States and all other intellectual property rights. Responsibility for any consequences of copyright infringement lies with the user. The Library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility resulting from such use.
- Use Must Not be Harmful to Minors. Michigan law prohibits users from allowing minors access to sexually explicit materials harmful to minors. Internet Users shall also not permit any minor to view sexually explicit material or any other material deemed harmful to minors.
- Compliance with Code of Behavior. The same rules apply to the use of the Internet as with the use of any other Library materials. The Library has adopted a Patron Behavior Policy. All Internet Users must comply with the Library’s Patron Behavior Policy, which shall be posted in the Library.
- Privacy; Unauthorized Access. Users must respect the privacy of others by not misrepresenting oneself as another User; by not attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords or data belonging to others; and by not hacking or seeking disallowed access to any computer system via the Internet.
- Time Limit: No patron may use the Library’s Internet for longer than the time limits established by the Library pursuant to Section III above. Failure to leave a computer terminal upon the expiration of the allotted time is a violation of this Policy.
- Personal Software Prohibited. The Users shall refrain from use of personal software, the attachment of equipment (excepting storage media to save or retrieve personal files) to the Library’s computers or networks or the modification of any operating system or network configuration.
- System Modifications. Users are not permitted to change the security setup, operating systems, the network configuration or any other configuration of any Library computer workstation without authorization.
- Damage. The User shall be responsible for repayment of any costs to the Library for damage to the computer terminals or system.
- Terminal Use.
- For the adult Internet computers, only (1) person may use a workstation except for (1) a parent or caregiver assisting a user and (2) a person assisting another individual who lacks the knowledge to effectively use the computer alone. However, in either case, both individuals must be seated.
- No person may stand behind another person.
- Upon request, Library staff members may approve and allow additional Users at a workstation.
- Personal Information; Unauthorized Release. No patron, including minors, may engage in the unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal information of any person, including minors.
- Saving Files and Documents. Patrons who wish to have a permanent record of their work need to save files and documents on their own portable media. Library computers do not allow Users to permanently save documents or personal files to the hard drive.
VI. Violations of Internet Use Policy
The Library Director or the Director’s designee may restrict access to Library facilities by (1) terminating or limiting computer, Internet access or Library facilities; (2) immediately dismissing the patron from the premises; (3) suspending the patron’s access to Library facilities for a set period of time; or (4) by denying access to specific services and/or programs pursuant to this Policy. If necessary, the local police may be called to intervene.
- Incident Reports. Library Staff shall record in writing in the form of an Incident Report any violation of this Policy that resulted in a verbal warning or a suspension of Library privileges. By the end of the day on which the incident occurred, an Incident Report shall be written and forwarded to the Library Director for logging and review. The report should include physical descriptions, in addition to the name of the patron. A copy of the suspension of privileges letter should be attached, if applicable.
- Violation of the Policy – Suspension of Privileges. Unless otherwise provided in this Policy, (See Section C below), the Library shall handle violations as follows:
- Initial Violation: Library patrons observed violating this Policy will be asked to cease the violation with a verbal request. If the patron does not comply with the request, he or she will be asked to leave the building for the day. If he or she refuses, police may be called.
- Subsequent Violations: The Director or the Director’s authorized designee may further limit or revoke the patron’s Library privileges if infractions continue. Such limitation or revocation shall be in writing specifying the nature of the violation. Subsequent violations of the same rule shall result in additional suspensions of increasing length.
- Violations that Affect Safety and Security. Violations involving violations of law (including child pornography and allowing minors to view sexually explicit or other material deemed harmful to minors), violence, threatening behaviors, sexual or other harassment, vandalism, theft or attempted theft, sexual misconduct or any behavior that threatens the safety and security of staff and/or patrons shall be handled as follows:
- Initial Violation: The police will be called immediately. If the conduct constitutes a violation of local, state, or federal law, arrest or criminal prosecution may ensue. Violations of this nature will result in an immediate minimum two-week suspension of Library privileges. The Incident Report shall specify the nature of the violation.
- Subsequent Violations: The police will be called immediately. If the conduct constitutes a violation of local, state, or federal law, arrest or criminal prosecution may ensue. The Director or the Director’s authorized designee, may further limit or revoke the patron’s Library privileges in escalating responses, which will be documented in writing. Subsequent violations of the same rule will result in additional suspensions of increasing length.
- Reinstatement. The patron whose privileges have been limited or revoked shall attend a meeting with the Director or the Director’s designee to review the Library Patron Behavior Policy before their privileges may be reinstated.
- Civil or Criminal Prosecution. Illegal acts involving the Library’s Internet access service may be subject to civil or criminal prosecution.
VII. Right of Appeal
Patrons may appeal a decision to limit or revoke privileges by sending a written appeal to the Library Board within 10 working days of the date the privileges were revoked or limited. The appeal should be sent to the President of the Library Board. The decision of the Library Board is final.
VIII. Staff Assistance
Staff may assist Library Users in getting started on the Internet and basic use of Library-provided software applications. However, the Library cannot guarantee that Internet-trained staff will be available to assist users at all times the Library is open. Because of the many different applications available on the Internet, staff may not be able to provide specialized or technical knowledge about a particular application. Users who need training on Library software or digital collections should request an appointment.
Read our complete Patron Behavior Policy here.
SUBJECT: Children and Vulnerable Adults in the Library
APPROVED: May 6, 1996
REVISED: March 21, 2000, July 21, 2020
I. Purpose
Children and vulnerable adults are welcome and encouraged to use the Brighton District Library (“Library”) at all times. The Library desires to make each visit an important one. The Brighton District Library Board (“Library Board”) adopts the following Children and Vulnerable Adults in the Library Policy (“Policy”) with regard to children and vulnerable adults at the Library.
II. Definitions
- “Child” means a minor under the age of 18.
- “Vulnerable Adult” means an individual age 18 or over who, because of developmental disability, mental illness, physical disability or other similar reasons, (1) requires supervision or personal care or (2) lacks the personal and social skills required to live independently.
- “Responsible Caregiver” is an individual who is responsible for monitoring or caring for a child or vulnerable adult and who must be at least 16 years old.
III. Rules and Regulations Regarding Children
- All patrons, including children, are expected to comply with the Library’s policies, including its Patron Behavior Policy. Parents, guardians or Responsible Caregivers shall review and be fully aware of all Library policies governing children, particularly the Internet Use Policy.
- Parents, guardians and Responsible Caregivers are responsible for the behavior and supervision of their children regardless of age while in the Library.
- Library Staff will not be expected to supervise or monitor children’s behavior.
- Children under the age of 11 must be attended by a parent, guardian or Responsible Caregiver. The parent, guardian or Responsible Caregiver shall remain in the Library at all times. If a child under the age of 11 is attending a Library-sponsored program on the premises, the parent, a guardian, or Responsible Caregiver is to remain on the premises for the duration of the program.
- Children of any age who, because of developmental disability, mental illness, physical disability or other similar reason, require supervision or personal care shall be attended by a parent guardian or Responsible Caregiver at all times.
- Children ages 7 and under must be within the visual contact of a parent, guardian or Responsible Caregiver at all times, including during programs and visits to the restroom. Children 7 and under may not be left in the Children’s Area alone.
- Staff will not be responsible if unattended children of any age leave the Library premises alone or with other persons. Further, staff will not be responsible for children who may be asked to leave the Library if the child is in violation of Library policy.
- We request that all unattended children be picked up at least ten minutes before closing time. Parents, guardians and Responsible Caregivers need to be aware of when the Library closes.
- Children 11 years or older must know their telephone number and other contact information if they are unattended at the Library. It is a violation of Library policy not to come immediately and pick up your unattended child if the Library calls.
IV. Rules and Regulations Regarding Vulnerable Adults
- All patrons, including vulnerable adults are expected to comply with the Library’s policies, including its Patron Behavior Policy. Parents, guardians or Responsible Caregivers shall review and be fully aware of all Library policies.
- Parents, guardians and Responsible Caregivers are responsible for the behavior and supervision of the vulnerable adult in their care while in the Library or on Library property.
- Vulnerable adults who are unable or unwilling to care for themselves or who do not have the ability to use the Library independently may not be left alone in the Library and must have adequate supervision while in the Library.
- Vulnerable adults who can understand and follow the Patron Behavior Policy and who can care for themselves are allowed to be in the Library unattended. They should have contact information for someone who can assist them in an emergency.
- We request that all vulnerable adults be picked up at least ten minutes before closing time. Parents, guardians and Responsible Caregivers need to be aware of when the Library closes.
- Vulnerable adults must know their telephone number and other contact information if they are unattended at the Library. It is a violation of Library policy not to come immediately and pick up your vulnerable adult if the Library calls.
V. Contact with Parent or Guardian for Unattended Child or Vulnerable Adult
- Library staff will attempt to contact a parent, legal guardian, or Responsible Caregiver when:
- The health or safety of an unattended child or vulnerable adult is in doubt;
- A child or vulnerable adult is frightened while alone at the Library;
- The behavior of an unattended child or vulnerable adult violates Library policy.
- The unattended child 10 years of age or younger or vulnerable adult has not been met by a parent, legal guardian, custodian or Responsible Caregiver at closing time. An individual is considered an unattended vulnerable adult when he/she is not picked up by closing time and needs assistance procuring transportation. A child is considered unattended at closing time if the child is under the age of 11 or a child of any age needs assistance procuring transportation.
- If a parent, legal guardian, or Responsible Caregiver cannot be reached within 15 minutes after closing, fails to arrive within a reasonable time after being contacted, or has not arrived 30 minutes or more after the Library closes, Library staff will contact law enforcement officials to take charge of the situation involving the unattended child or vulnerable adult. Library employees are not permitted to transport an unattended child or vulnerable adult under any circumstances.
- If the parent, legal guardian, Responsible Caregiver can be reached within 10 minutes after closing and arrives in a reasonable time, the staff member shall explain the Library’s policy and provide a copy of this Policy.
- Two Library staff members shall remain with the unattended child or vulnerable adult until the Responsible Caregiver or law enforcement arrives.
Violation; Enforcement; Appeal
Violations and appeals of this Policy shall be processed according to the Violations Policy.
Panhandling or Soliciting
Panhandling or soliciting Library staff or patrons for money, products, or services inside the Library or on Library property is prohibited. Sales of products or services that are incidental to Library programming may be permitted if approved in advance by the Library Director.
Campaigning, Petitioning, Interviewing and Similar Activities
As a limited public forum, the Library reserves the right to regulate the time, place, and manner for campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey-taking, pamphleteering, canvassing and soliciting on Library grounds as follows:
- Campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey-taking, pamphleteering, canvassing and soliciting are prohibited inside the Library building.
- Campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey-taking, pamphleteering, canvassing and soliciting outside the Library building, but on Library property are subject to the following requirements:
- Use of the Library property does not indicate the Library’s opposition or endorsement of the candidate or issue that is the subject of the petition, interview, campaign or discussion.
- Permitted areas for campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey-taking, pamphleteering, canvassing and soliciting outside of the Library building shall be limited to the area north of the doors, outside of the brick pillars.
- No person shall block ingress or egress from the Library building or access to the parking areas.
- Permitted times will be limited to the operating hours of the Library.
- Campaign material, literature or petitions may not be brought into the Library, posted at the Library or left behind on Library property.
- No leaflets are permitted to be left on vehicles in the parking areas.
- Tables or Structures on Library Property: No table, stand, bookrack, sign or similar structure may be set up on Library property. This does not apply to Library-sponsored or co-sponsored events.
We welcome the opportunity to educate young people about the library. Group tours and/or story times may be arranged with the Head of Youth Services, Young Adult Librarian, or Head of Adult Services in person, by phone, or e-mail. Tours are scheduled during times which are least disruptive to the general operation of the library, and during times which the library can provide dual staffing. The youth department conducts four 6-week story time sessions per year. During these sessions we are extremely limited in the number of tours we can accommodate.
As part of your tour experience you may elect for us to provide a story time and craft for your children, discuss books available on a given topic, discuss library careers, or with older children we can provide an introduction to our on-line catalog or the Internet. The agenda for your tour will be discussed when a Youth Supervisor contacts you to confirm your tour date.
All tour groups are required to follow the below rules:
- Please read our Rules of Conduct, and discuss these rules with your group prior to your visit.
- We require one adult for every four children participating in a group tour. We suggest that each adult be assigned to four specific children ahead of time. He/she is subsequently responsible for supervising those children in matters of discipline, observing the rules of the library, respect for the tour leader, staff members, and patrons, and for assistance with coats, snacks, book selection, computer usage, and other activities during your visit.
- On rare occasions, the tour leader may ask a child to be removed from the tour if behavior warrants. Please have an extra adult available to supervise children who are unable to continue with the tour.
- Please provide name tags for all children.
- The library does not provide snacks, however, if you wish to bring snacks you may serve them in the activity room. Food must be eaten in this room only. Your group is responsible for clean-up.
- Children who own library cards must show them to check out books. Those who do not have cards should arrange with their parents to obtain one before or after the visit if they wish to check out books. The Library requires a parent to apply for a minor’s card.
- Hands-on Internet and catalog training is not provided for children under age eight, because of the level of skill required to operate these programs. A library visit can be an enjoyable time for children, their leaders or teachers, and librarians. We look forward to seeing your group in the future.