Book Boxes

photo of two books, a snack, a toy, a book review card, and a teen book box

The Teen, Tween, and Baby Book Box program
runs September through May.

Registration for Book Boxes will
begin September 1, 2024

Book Subscription Boxes

A service for kids, babies. and teens ages, 6-35 months and 9-18 years old. Readers can sign up to receive a one-month subscription to our new Library Book Box service! Subscribers will enjoy two library books selected by our librarians to check out plus fun extras for you to keep.

Sign up during the first week of the month to receive the next month’s box. Space is limited.

  • Sign up the first week of the month to receive a Book Box the following month.
  • Select your box type below: Teen Box (Ages 13-18) or Tween Box (Ages 9-12), Baby Box (Ages 6-35 months) and fill out the form.
  • Your form goes to three of our librarians who will select 1 or 2 books for you based upon your answers.
  • Selected books will go into a box containing fun prizes for you to keep.
  • Pick up your box the first of the month. The books will be checked out to your Library Card and will need to be returned by their due dates. You keep your prizes!
  • Return the empty box with the completed comment/review card.

Q: Can I keep the box?
A: Your box and the Library books need to be returned to the Library, but you keep the extra prizes inside.

Q: How many boxes are there?
A: We have slots for 8 Teen Boxes and 8 Tween Boxes each month. We issue 15 baby boxes per month.

Q:What happens if I don’t return the box?
A: If a box is not returned, you will not be allowed to check out another box until after your current box is returned.

Q: Can I keep the books?
A: No, the books belong to the Library and are due back by their due dates

  • “5 stars. Amazing, everyone at the Library is so generous and outgoing. I already read one of the books, but the other one is amazing! Great plot, twists, and characters. An absolute standing ovation for everyone who works at the Library!”
  • “6 + stars. 100% the best book I have EVER read was in that box. And the other book is in my top 10, of course!! THANK YOU!”
  • “5 stars. I loved the books chosen for me! They were the type of books I love to read, and I can’t wait to read the rest of the Watergfire Saga. Thank you for the great recommendations!”

Select which book box you would like to sign up for

Ages 6-35 months

Babies 6-35 months may sign up for a Baby Box.

Ages 9-12

If you are 12 and in 7th grade you have the option to sign up for a Teen Box

Ages 13-18

If you are 12 and in 7th grade you may sign up for Teen Box

Thank you to the Friends of Brighton District Library for sponsoring this project.