Inspo-lab Appointments
You'll find our current Inspo-lab availability as well as a link to make an appointment to use items within the space

Helpful Information about Making a Reservation for the Inspo-lab
- The Inspo-lab is the name of the Library’s makerspace. Appointments are required for those looking to use “yellow” equipment as well as groups of 3 to 8 who would like to use the room’s DIY offerings.
- Staff assistance is not available on weekends or between 5pm and 8pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
- The Inspo-lab is a collaborative space so there may be DIYers and “yellow” equipment users in the space at the same time.
- Appointments must be made at least 24 hours, but no more than 30 days, in advance.
- You must be 18 years of age or older, or with a guardian or caregiver, to use the Library’s
Inspo-lab and will need to sign an electronic waiver. - You need to have a localhop account in order to make appointments through the link below. You can also call the Information Desk at 810-229-6571.