Junior Volunteer Application

Applications for the School Year 2024-2025 Junior Volunteer Program are open until April 15. Applications for Summer 2025 volunteers will open May 1.

Open to ages 14-17.

We appreciate your interest in becoming a teen volunteer at the Brighton District Library!  Please look over the information below before submitting your application. 

Age Requirements

Teen volunteers must be between 14-17 years of age. Sorry, we cannot accept volunteers younger than 14 years of age. 

18+ years of age should apply to be an adult volunteer.  The application for Adult Volunteers can be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of things will I do?
Junior volunteers assist in the Library’s Youth Department and in Youth Programs. Junior Volunteers help with craft prep, straightening books, cleaning toys, and various other clerical tasks as needed.

How much time do I need to volunteer?
Regular shifts are 1 hour and program assistance shifts vary from 1-3 hours depending on the program. Volunteers will be able to sign up for shifts that fit with their schedule. We ask volunteers to commit to at least 2 (1 hour) shifts per month.

Will I be trained?
Yes. Once your application is accepted you will be contacted by our Teen Services Librarian to set up a training session. You must complete training before you are permitted to sign up for other shifts. 

I submitted an application, what now?

Your application will be reviewed by our Teen Services Librarian. If you application is approved you will be contacted via email to set up a time for training.  All questions on the application must be answered by the applicant for their application to be considered. 

Do I need to live in Brighton?
We accept teen volunteers residing in  Brighton and other local surrounding cities.

When do you accept volunteer applications?

  • School Year Session (Runs September-May): Applications open September 1-April 1
  • Summer Session (runs June-August): Applications open May 1-20 

Other Requirements

Junior volunteers must be between the ages of 14-17 years old and must provide a valid work permit.  Below you will find links to a printable PDF of the work permits you will need. Please review the instructions on how to obtain a work permit in the State of Michigan here.

At training volunteers will be given a Medical Emergency Release form that will also need to be filled out and signed by a parent before volunteering can begin.

Applicants will be contacted by Kate Wheeler, Teen Services Librarian via email. If you have questions you may contact Kate Wheeler at kate@brightonlibrary.info or call 810-229-6571 ext. 224.

School Year Junior Volunteer Application

Application for the Fall Junior Volunteer program. Open to ages 14-17. A valid work permit is required to volunteer at the Brighton District Library.

Volunteers must be between 14-17 years of age. 18+ may fill out the adult volunteer application.
List the name of your school or indicate if you are homeschooled.
Please select the grade you are currently in.
If you,as the volunteer, will be the primary mode of contact, please put your email here. If your parents email will be acting as the main mode of contact you do not need to fill this out. Initially both emails will be sent notifications of acceptance.
Please include street, city, and zip code
Example: National Honor society
Volunteer shifts are generally after school and we may have some Saturday shifts available. Homeschoolers or students with non-traditional schedules may be offered opportunities to help with daytime/morning programs.
We want to make sure you are a good fit. Please answer in complete sentences and be specific.
I understand that I will need to present a valid Work Permit prior to my first volunteer shift.(Required)
I understand that by submitting this application I am not guaranteed a spot as a volunteer at the Library.(Required)
Applicants will be contacted via email at the email address provided. Please give our staff 1-2 weeks time to process your application.