Supporting Our Efforts
Makes All The Difference

Thank you for supporting the Brighton District Library

Join us in creating a legacy of art and history at the Brighton District Library! Your support will not only fund a one-of-a-kind Pewabic tile mural that celebrates our community’s heritage, but also renovate our local history space, the Brighton Room. The mural, pictured on the right, features nods to Brighton landscapes, architecture, education, agriculture, flora, and fauna. Our Brighton Room renovation will focus on updating cabinets, bookshelves, tables, and seating. We will also incorporate technology to make our smaller genealogy programs more interactive and user friendly.

With a donation of $1,000, you can secure naming rights on a plaque next to the mural, showcasing your commitment to art and community. Additionally, every donation of $100 or more will be recognized on a plaque in the Brighton Room, honoring your support
in preserving our rich heritage. Together, let’s make a meaningful impact for future generations!

There are many ways to give.  The donation button on this page takes you to a form to fill out designating your gift, and then to a secure PayPal checkout. If you prefer to support the Library by check, please mail or deliver your donation to the Library at:

Brighton District Library
100 Library Drive

Brighton, MI 48116

Contact Diana Dart, Community Relations Coordinator, at
(810) 229-6571, ext. 211 for further information.

Thank you Donors!

We have so much to be thankful for! An updated Millie’s Garden, our gorgeous pavilion, new seating around the garden and along our learning journey, interactive instruments, and a new bike rack – all because of you!


In addition, Miss Carla’s Reading House opened for families to enjoy this past summer. We are thrilled that our patrons can visit our brand new backyard house with checked out books and some time to read. Miss Carla’s Reading House was crafted by the Michigan Landscape Professionals over the course of the summer of 2023.


As our mission states, we continue to “connect, grow, and discover…together.” Our 2022-2023 Annual Appeal raised nearly $43,000 with the majority of that funding earmarked to support these outdoor improvements. We are ever grateful to our donors. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to further build our beautiful corner of the Brighton community.

Photo of Ms. Carla's Reading House in the Library's garden.

2024 Donors to Date

Beginning Febraury 1, 2024

  • Angela and Aaron Heckel

Annual Appeal Donors, as of 11/21/24,

A Legacy of Art & History

Pewabic Tile Mural Sponsors 

Ian Carroll
Caitlyn Perry, Philip, Elliot, & Theodore Dial

Brighton Room Renovation Donors 

$500 – $999
Sandra Hammer
Madeline & John Kingston-Park
Lalwani Foundation, from Leena Lalwani in memory of Narendra Lalwani

$100 – $499
(1) Anonymous Donor
Cora Glass, in honor of Jordan Sprunger
Sarah Neidert, in memory of Lois Neidert
Jodi & Chas Ross
Jeanne & Philip Smith
Jordan Sprunger, in memory of Patricia Glass
Vickie & Jerry Weyand

Library’s Choice Donors 

$500 – $999
Peggy Dixon
Madeline & John Kingston-Park
Thomas B. Hill

$100 – $499
(5) Anonymous Donors
Deborah & F. Patrick Byrne
Lois & Charles Cheney
Mary Clark
Cheryl Colloton
Paul K. Godwin, Jr.
Teresa Habsburg
Michele & Tom Kendzior, in honor of the Herek, Hedberg, Martin, Morrison & Prieskorn families
Judith & Bryan Turnbull
Karen & John Zentgraft
Faye & Frank Zimmerman

$1 – $99
(7) Anonymous Donors
Sonja Amos
Linda & Jim Gutting
Kathleen Rentz
Judith Shockey
Devin Steele

  • Kristen M. Meyer
  • Sue Argiroff, display materials
  • PEO Sisterhood, Intl. Chapter FU-MI
  • Thomas B. Hill Family
  • Beatrice Kovacs
  • Teresa & Chris Habsburg
  • Paul K. Godwin, Jr.
  • Arla Robertson
  • Johnny Storm, author, Upper Peninsula fun in the Sun
  • Ed Hubert, Hidin’ Zeke by Ted Makuch and Ed Hubert
  • The Armor of Light by Ken Follett, from Marilyn and Allen Smyth
  • In memory of Jane Rubens, Brenda Babitz
  • In memory of Manny Stahl and Linda Caloia, Mary Ohearn
  • In memory of Joan Jazanoski, Patricia Jazanoski, selected fiction titles
  • Anonymous gift in memory of Rachel Elisabeth Rainey, Early Childhood Stuttering Therapy: A Practical Guide by J. Scott Yaruss, PhD and School-Age Stuttering Therapy; A Practical Guide by Nina Reardon-Reeves and J. Scott Yaruss, PhD
  • In memory of Grace Jaskiewicz, from her daughter
  • In memory of Sara Pagles, from Susan Metzger, Micki and Dick Thomas, and Sylvia Zaleski
  • In memory of Barbara Trestain, from Kellie Tallman
  • Dairy Queen – Brighton
  • Great Harvest Bread Company – Brighton
  • MOD Pizza West Grand River – Brighton
  • Taco Bell Landers & Partners – Brighton
  • Beauchamp Water Treatment – Brighton
  • 2 Dandelions Bookshop – Brighton
  • Rollerama-Zap Zone – Brighton
  • Target – Brighton
  • Scooter’s Coffee – Brighton


Commemorative Bricks Discontinued

With the renovation of Millie’s Garden, and the way our new pavers are installed, we have discontinued our Commemorative Brick donation. 
Previously purchased bricks will line the walkway to, and the porch of, Miss Carla’s Reading House. We are planning a new commemorative donation option and hope to have more information in the coming year. Stay tuned!